Villamblard, 22 February 2022
A new maintainance version for temBoard 7 is just released. This 7.10 version fixes and improves performances, and ships with modernization and compatibility changes. This upgrade is highly recommended.
temBoard is a monitoring and administration tool for PostgreSQL instances fleet. Its non-intrusive design eases deployment without weakening your PostgreSQL instance. temBoard alerts you, allows you to handle locks, bloat, configuration and more remotely.
temBoard 7.10 fixes performance issues introduced in temBoard 7.9. Even more, temBoard agent reuses connexions to reduce load on monitored PostgreSQL instance. temBoard 7.10 includes tooling to better diagnostic performance behaviour of temBoard.
Modernization and Compatibility
temBoard agent is now a Python 3 only project. We dropped support for EOL-ed Python 2. RPM and debian packages ensures a smooth transition. temBoard agent and UI ships with a bullseye package. We use RockyLinux 8 to build RHEL 8 package, compatible with any RHEL 8 clone like Alma Linux 8, Oracle Linux and of course, RHEL 8.
And more…
temBoard database ownership maytemBoard UI and agent log messages has been improved to better diagnostic monitoring and performance issues. Project documentation has been restructured for better readability and consistency. Please note that support for Debian Jessie and Debian Wheezy is now ended. Read further in the following pages:
Follow installation documentation to get temBoard from sources, RPM or deb packages.
temBoard is a free software maintained by Dalibo Labs.
- temBoard (26) ,
- PostgreSQL (412) ,
- alerting (17) ,
- interface (22) ,
- management (18) ,
- monitoring (25) ,
- Dalibo Labs (73)