Paris, October 2nd 2017
Dalibo organizes, with support from the European PostgreSQL association, a developer meeting, to talk about graphic tools in PostgreSQL. This event will take place in Warsaw, on October 24th, during the first day of PGConfEU, a major event for the European and international PostgreSQL community.
Improving PostgreSQL tools and inter-operability
The “PostgreSQL Graphic Tools Developer Meeting” (PGTDM) is a meeting of approximately 20 developers from more than 15 different projects. The main goal of this meeting is to approach user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) issues in PostgreSQL tools. By sharing every needs and ideas of different developers, this meeting could lead to very some interesting colaborations between developers from different project and companies.
20 developers and around 15 projects united:
The registered developers are involved in PostgreSQL tools such as:
- Postico (PostgreSQL GUI for macOS)
- pgAdmin4
- DBeaver
- SQL Tabs
- pg-view
- pganalyze
- PostgreSQL Dashboard
- PostgreSQL Studio
- pgDevOps
- Patroni
- temBoard
- pg_activity
- PoWA
- pgFormatter
On Dalibo’s side, three PostgreSQL tool developers will be attending the meeting: Gilles Darold (PgBadger, pgFormatter, pgCluu…), Julien Tachoires (temBoard, pg_activity), Pierre Giraud (temBoard, PoWA). Also, Damien Clochard (PostgreSQL Dashboard, Dalibo cofounder) and Léo Cossic: both organizers of the meeting.
What’s next?
Dalibo is proud to initiate this first (of many) meeting, and hope it’ll lead to more collaborations between different projects and companies of the PostgreSQL ecosystem. This meeting will hopefully be a success and encourage more developers to initiate those kind of meetings and extend relations and exchanges between developer in the PostgreSQL community.
You can find all of the information about this meeting on the following wiki page:
- Warsaw (1) ,
- Poland (1) ,
- Open Source (32) ,
- PostgreSQL (412) ,
- PGConf.EU (13) ,
- pgconf (7) ,
- Dalibo (171) ,
- conferences (2) ,
- Europe (9) ,
- meeting (1) ,
- developer (1) ,
- communauté (34)