Paris, April 6th 2016

Last week I received a patch from Svetlana Shorina PostgresPro about regular expressions and conditions checks in the function responsible for data formatting. Following their Oracle source and PostgreSQL destination types, data needs to be transformed before being inserted into PostgreSQL.

I knew that this part would benefit from being optimized but I always thought that this was a waste of time because, in my experience, most of the migration time is taken by the BLOB/CLOB escaping and this is something that cannot really be optimized. This is why I’ve never done this optimisation work and I was wrong.

Well I decided to reconsider and to make some benchmarks on different kinds of tables and data. I was really surprised, here are the results.

Benchmark environment

The benchmarks was done on a good old server that has had his time with 16 CPUs Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz (2 sockets x 4 cores HT). Do not expect huge speed on the results, the number of tuples per seconds can be 2 or 3 times faster or more on modern hardware.

Here are the Ora2Pg settings relative to data export:

  • LONGREADLEN = 102400000 (yes there’s 100 MB LOB)
  • DATA_LIMIT = 30000 (export will be done by bulk of 30,000 tuples)
  • BLOB_LIMIT = 100 (BLOB and CLOB will be exported by bulk of 100 tuples only)

Data is exported to files. The tests will be done using different parallelizing modes:

  • -j 8: eight processes to write data to file
  • -J 2 -j 4: two processes to extract data from Oracle and four processes to write data to file
  • -J 4 -j 3: four processes to extract data from Oracle and three processes to write data to file

Tests are run on the latest release v17.3 and then on same release with Svetlana’s patch.

A simple disk write test of 2 GB gave the following results:

dd if=/dev/zero of=toto bs=8k count=244140
	244140+0 records in
	244140+0 records out
	1999994880 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 1.9143 s, 1.0 GB/s

Just to know, pg_test_fsync returns:

        open_datasync                     11788.099 ops/sec      85 usecs/op
        fdatasync                         11855.279 ops/sec      84 usecs/op
        fsync                             10594.905 ops/sec      94 usecs/op
        fsync_writethrough                              n/a
        open_sync                         11160.430 ops/sec      90 usecs/op

We will not import data into PostgreSQL. Also note that Oracle, Ora2Pg and output files are on the same server and same disks, this is clearly not the best architecture to migrate at full speed but we just want a preview of the speed improvement.

Huge LOB data export

First benchmark is done on a huge table with 216 GB of data and 1,050,006 rows with the following Oracle definition:

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL2                                               VARCHAR2(96)
 COL3                                      NOT NULL DATE
 COL4                                               DATE
 COL5                                               VARCHAR2(765)
 COL6                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(300)
 COL7                                               CLOB
 COL8                                               CLOB
 COL9                                               CLOB
 COL10                                     NOT NULL BLOB
 COL11                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL12                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL13                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(765)
 COL14                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(765)

Here are the duration results in seconds:

Cores V17.3 V17.4b Gain
-j 8 5445 5045 7%
-J 2 -j 6 3314 3064 8%
-J 4 -j 3 2585 2341 10%

With this kind of table and data types, the speed gain is from 7 to 10 percent. At a maximum speed (447 tuples/sec) it took around 0h45 without the patch and 0h40 with Svetlana’s patch. As expected when you are exporting a table with LOB the gain is not really important but significant enough to be interesting. In this case, the more you can parallelize the data export the more you gain speed.

Small rows, small size

Now let’s make the same tests on a table with small rows (810,000) and small size (1.8GB).

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL2                                      NOT NULL DATE
 COL3                                      NOT NULL CLOB
 COL4                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL5                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL6                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL7                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL8                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL9                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL10                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(96)
 COL11                                              VARCHAR2(255)
 COL12                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(288)
 COL13                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(96)
 COL14                                     NOT NULL CLOB
 COL15                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL16                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL17                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL18                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16)
 COL19                                              DATE
 COL20                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL21                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL22                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL23                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL24                                     NOT NULL DATE
 COL25                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL26                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL27                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL28                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL29                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL30                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL31                                              NUMBER(38)
 COL32                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(1)

And the benchmark results:

Cores V17.3 V17.4b Gain
-j 8 364 353 3%
-J 2 -j 6 195 195 0%
-J 4 -j 3 113 116 -3%

Most of the data are numerics and the majority of data size resides in the CLOB fields. In this case, the patch doesn’t help at all or we need to have a lot more rows to have a noticeable effect.

Table with millions of rows

So until now, there’s nothing really impressive. But now take a look at the results on the following table, which have 28,500,000 rows for just 2.8 GB of data.

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL2                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL3                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL4                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(765)
 COL5                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(765)
Cores V17.3 V17.4b Gain
-j 8 304 207 32%
-J 2 -j 6 276 165 40%
-J 4 -j 3 276 152 45%

The speed gain is from 32% up to 45% at full speed. The more parallelizing we set, the more speed gain we have. Obviously I was not expecting such a gain, this is a really good news.

Full migration test

I have made a full test on a 500 GB database (380 GB without indexes) where these tables are extracted. This last benchmark has only been done using -J 4 and -j 3 parallelization.

The result is 2h38 (avg: 6059 tuples/sec) with the v17.3 release and only 1h57 (avg: 8183 tuples/sec) with Svetlana’s patch.

This is 26% of time saved for a total of 57,500,000 tuples! This is something really helpful to reduce the migration downtime.


I want to express all my gratitude to Svetlana Shorina and PostgreSQL Professional for this patch. It has already been applied in github development code and will be available in next coming v17.4 release.

Of course the more CPUs you can use, the fastest you can migrate your data, especially for terabytes databases. I think that full database migration performances can be improved by allowing parallel table export (-P) together with parallel data export (-J) for a single table. This is not the case for now, but it is in the TODO list.


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